The MtLCCC has been bicycling the roads and trails of Pittsburgh and beyond since 1988. We always welcome new members who enjoy active road cycling, and of course a lot of coffee. Check out the recent video about our start time, then read about our regular weekly rides and drop us a message!
Join Us Each Weekend Year Round
Incredible photo taken by Brad Berkstresser on Saturday, March 14, 2020, as we rode over the Smithfield Street Bridge into the city. Support local yinzer artists - the print is available for purchase on his Etsy site!
We get this view riding over Pittsburgh’s Mt. Washington every Saturday morning.
The roads west of Pittsburgh are perfect for a few hours cycling in the country.
Remembering our Friend Dan “Dan-O” O’Hara
Our friend, Dan, was an original member of the MtLCCC and lost his long battle with cancer in March 2024, but not without leaving a long legacy of riding, racing and friendship.
Bike MS Fundraising Rides
For us, cycling also means giving back to the community with fundraising rides like Bike MS.
Yinz See the World by Bike
Sometimes we leave the Burgh for the roads of Italy, Colorado, and the backroads of Pennsylvania and beyond.
Mt. Lebanon Cycling and Caffeine Club. Pittsburgh, PA 15228